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Olsa S.p.A. has the right to modify at any time as it deems fit the contents and functional and operative procedures of the present site and the services offered. Users wishing to create a link to the present website must request the permission of Olsa S.p.A. at the following e-mail address:, or write to Olsa S.p.A., 14 Viale delle Industrie 20049 SETTALA MI – Italy). Users are informed that if Olsa grants said permission, it is in no way responsible for the content, lawfulness, nature, quality and truthfulness of the information displayed through any link to its website



Olsa will see to the exactness and precision of the information contained in the present website, in addition to the creation of reliable and complete services. Nevertheless, Olsa does not guarantee updating of the contents and services of this website. 
In no case whatever can Olsa be deemed responsible for damages deriving from use of this website, the impossibility to access it, or information or services provided by it. 
Lastly, Olsa is not responsible for the correctness of information coming from third party sources lying outside the control of Olsa



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